certificates-of-qualification (2024)

Certificate of Qualification

Effective 5/17/2021, Certificate of Qualification holders can apply, renew and make payments online to save time. The Q-01 Certificate of Fitness application must be completed online BEFORE coming to FDNY Headquarters to take an exam.


Any refrigerating system requiring an FDNY permit must be under supervision of a Certificate of Qualification (Q-01 Refrigerating System Operating Engineer) holder while the system is in operation. This Certificate of Qualification is premises related.

The refrigerating system may require to be under personal or general supervision, as set forth in the FC Table 606.1.1

If personal supervision is required:

  • A Q-01 holder must be PRESENT IN THE BUILDING at all times while the refrigerating system is in operation and the operation of such system is under his or her personal direction and control. Alternatively, if the refrigerating system is shut down, no Q-01 holder is required to be in the building.
  • A Q-01 holder cannot provide personal supervision, at the same time, for refrigerating systems that are in operation in more than one building. Alternatively, an Q-01 holder can provide personal supervision for the operation of more than one system at the same time provided the systems are all installed IN THE SAME BUILDING.

If general supervision is required:

  • A Q-01 holder is not required to be present in the building while the refrigerating system is in operation. However, the Q-01 holder is still responsible at all time to ensure the safe operation of the system and that such system is operated under his/her general direction and control

This Certificate of Qualification is valid only at a specific location and for the specific person to whom it is issued.

  • New Application Fees: $60 for the first part Z-51 exam; $ 225 for the second part Z-52 exam
  • Renewal Fees: $15
  • Additional Work Location: $60 application fee will be charged for the additional Certificate of Qualification card.
  • Application Reviewed Within: 1-2 Days
  • Renewal Cycle: 3 Years

All fees can be paid by credit/debit card, check or money order only. Cash is no longer accepted.

Requirements for the First Part Z-51 Computer Exam

Before You Submit Your Application

All applicants should review the Notice of Exam to ensure if the qualification requirements are met.

Other additional forms and resources:

To Submit Your Application and Make Appointment

An appointment is required to take the Z-51 computer exam. You must complete the online Certificate of Fitness Application and payment to receive an FDNY COF application ID prior to scheduling the appointment.

Online Certificate of Fitness Application (FDNY Business)

NOTE: If you do not have NYC.ID, you must “create account” first to obtain your NYC.ID. After your NYC.ID has been created, you can click log in to proceed with a COF application.

Requirements for the Second Part Z-52 Practical Exam

Before You Submit Your Application

You must pass the first part, Z-51 computer exam, to obtain the Z-52 passing letter before applying for the Z-52 practical exam. You must be familiar with the following materials to prepare for the Z-52 practical exam.

To Submit Your Application and Make Appointment

You must follow the procedure on the Z-52 letter to submit the application and to schedule the Z-52 practical exam.

Certificate of Fitness/Certificate of Qualification Renewals

Certificate of Fitness/Certificate of Qualification can be renewed online, in-person, or by mail.

Online renewal can be processed by the following methods:

(1) Simplified COF Renewal: Renewal the COF without creating a NYC ID

  • Instructions for Certificate of Fitness Simplified Renewals (PDF)

Fee Exempt COFs and COFs that require changes cannot be renewed via simplified COF renewal process.

NOTE: Fee Exempt applies to the NYC city agency employees who have submitted a recommendation letter with city agency letterhead.

(2) Comprehensive COF Renewal: Renewal COF with a NYC ID.

All COFs can be renewed online by logging in with a NYC ID, including Fee Exempt COFs. The FDNY strongly encourages you to create a NYC ID account and log in to view and/or renew all of your Certificates of Fitness information and expiration dates. You can also upload supporting documents (such as proof of employment) and change your mailing address online.

NOTE: Notices of Exam (NOEs), Study Guides and Small Business Services instructions (SBS) are currently being updated and may not contain instructions for online applications, renewals and payments. Please consult the user guide for online filing, renewal and payment details. Requests for address changes and replacement cards must still be filed via US Mail or in-person at 9MTC.

Need Help?

FDNY Business Support Team: For assistance with online filing or questions about the New York City Fire Code, call 311 and ask for the FDNY Customer Service Center or send an email to FDNY.BusinessSupport@fdny.nyc.gov.

certificates-of-qualification (2024)


What counts as a certificate of qualification? ›

A certificate of qualification proves that a person is qualified to work in a certain skilled trade in Canada. This means that they: have passed a certification exam. meet all the requirements to practice their trade in that province or territory.

What is the meaning of qualification of certificate? ›

certificate of qualification means a document that shows that a person has an authorization or qualification or experience that is needed for or facilitates

What is the meaning of qualifications and certifications? ›

Qualifications are valid for life and do not need to be renewed. They differ from certifications in that they are controlled by international educational bodies and only approved centres can offer qualifications.

What qualifies as a certification? ›

A certification is an official document given by a professional organization that shows that you have the necessary knowledge and skills needed to do a specific job. Many industries have some sort of certification that you can earn.

What documents are proof of qualification? ›

Certificate: A copy of the Certificate/Diploma or Other Qualification that you were awarded. Other Documents: Other Documents such as your CV (Resume) or a Reference. Referees must know the applicant in an academic or professional capacity.

What is proof of qualification? ›

Proof of qualification means wWritten documentation establishing the credentials or authority of the applicant or facts required by these regulations to demonstrate a proper purpose.

What are examples of qualifications? ›

Examples of Job Qualifications

Specific degree or professional designation or certification. The number of years of experience. Proficiency with certain software programs. Specific industry knowledge.

What is considered a qualification? ›

Qualifications are the requirements a candidate needs to qualify and be successful in a specific role. You typically earn qualifications through experience, education and training in your industry or role. Some qualifications may include: A certain degree level and major.

What is the difference between qualification and degree? ›

While a university degree provides a broad-based education in a particular field of study, a professional qualification focuses on specific skills and knowledge necessary for a particular profession.

What are the three types of certification? ›

There are three general types of certification. Listed in order of development level and portability, they are: corporate (internal), product-specific, and profession-wide. Corporate, or "internal" certifications, are made by a corporation or low-stakes organization for internal purposes.

What are the list of qualifications? ›

  • Bachelor's degrees.
  • Professional Graduate Certificate in Education.
  • Graduate diplomas.
  • BTEC Advanced Professional diplomas, certificates and awards.
  • degree apprenticeship.

What is the best definition of qualifications? ›

a : a special skill or type of experience or knowledge that makes someone suitable to do a particular job or activity — usually plural. He has the best qualifications for the job. She has the proper qualifications to teach. academic/educational/technical qualifications.

What is a qualification certificate? ›

Certificates are vocational qualifications you can achieve after completing secondary school. These courses are study programmes that don't lead to degrees. They're the cheapest option for post-secondary education and some online certificates are available for free.

What is the quickest thing to get certified in? ›

Here are 11 role- and industry-specific certifications that are easy to obtain.
  • First aid certifications. ...
  • Project management certifications. ...
  • Software certifications. ...
  • Government certifications. ...
  • Notary public certification. ...
  • Forklift operator license. ...
  • Computer programming certifications. ...
  • Marketing certifications.
Mar 15, 2024

What is a professional qualification? ›

Professional qualifications are usually Masters degrees, such as the MBA (business), LLM (law), and MEng (engineering), or postgraduate diplomas, such as the PGDE (teaching) and SQE (law). Professional qualifications may involve elements of both teaching and research.

What counts as a qualification? ›

Qualifications are the requirements a candidate needs to qualify and be successful in a specific role. You typically earn qualifications through experience, education and training in your industry or role. Some qualifications may include: A certain degree level and major.

What is a certificate of qualification in California? ›

A Certificate of Qualification is essentially a license for a foreign company to “transact business” in California. In this case, “foreign” doesn't mean from another country -- it means from out of state. In particular, it refers to a company that was organized under the laws of another state or another country.

Is having a certificate the same as being certified? ›

A certificate program does not lead to a professional certification. Yes, the courses you take in a certificate program could help you prepare to earn a professional field-specific certification, but earning a certificate is not the same as becoming certified.

Do certificates count as credentials? ›

The term credential encompasses educational certificates, degrees, certifications, and government-issued licenses.


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Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.